IntroductionCDA adopts an interdisciplinary approach, different methodologies and different perspectives for the analysis of data which are predominantly obtained from social topics such as “racism, identity, social change” (Wodak: 2006). Power relations between the dominant and dominated social class are the focus of CDA and considers the use or discourse of language as a distinctive feature in understanding the various social patterns that emerge as a result of discursive practices, the naturalization of ideology and orders of speech. It blends historical context with contemporary contexts to interpret the element of social change. The CDA believes in practice, application and the availability of findings to experts so that certain discursive and social practices can be interpreted and transformed. How does the naturalization of ideology happen? Ideologies are mental systems that organize socially shared attitudes, and these mental systems are social representations that function as “models that control how people act, speak, or write or how they understand the social practices of others” (van Dijk, 1995: 2). Naturalization can be understood as an unconscious process through which beliefs, values, ideas, perceptions and ways of thinking of a society and a class become internalized at some point in time (Yewah: 1993). Naturalization gives particular ideological representations the status of common sense, thus making them opaque and no longer visible as ideologies (Fairclough, 1995a: 42). A certain type of discourse dominates other discourses to the extent that it is no longer arbitrary and is seen as natural. However, the "balance of forces" in the social struggle determines the extent of naturalization... half of the newspaper... Iwanese press. Discourse and Society, 16(3): 393-418. Lefevere, A. (1992b). Translation/History/Culture: A Sourcebook. New York: Routledge. Martinez-Roland, C. M. & Malave, G. (2004). Language ideologies mediating literacy and identity in bilingual contexts. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 4(2): 155-180.van Dijk, T. (1993) Discourse and Elite Racism, London: Sage.Wodak, R. (1996) Disorders of Discourse, London: Longman.Wodak, R (1997) 'Critical discourse analysis', in T. van Dijk (ed.) Discourse as Social Interaction, London: Sage.Wodak, R. (2006). Critical Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis in Verschueren, J. and Östman, J. (eds.) Handbook of Pragmatics John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam. Emmanuel Yewah, E. (1993). Ideology and the de/naturalization of meaning in the Cameroonian novel, Afrika Focus, vol. 9, no. 3-4, pp. 179-192.