At its core, economics is about how people make choices. Choices are necessary because we live in a world of scarcity. Even the wealthiest among us must decide how to allocate our resources. When it comes to racing, there are several ways the economy can impact it. The economic crisis that began in the late 2000s and continued into the early 2010s revealed how much NASCAR relies on a healthy, growing economy. When Jack Roush decides to have one less team on the track, he doesn't do it because he doesn't. I don't like the racing team, but because fielding a racing team is expensive. Mr. Roush has a lot of money, but is limited in the number of teams he can put on the track. Racing fans also make choices. We choose which drivers to support, which manufacturers to support, which races to attend in person and how many races to watch on television. All of these choices are made because we don't have the time, money or opportunity to watch every race, travel to every track or support every driver. We therefore have to choose. All choices have associated costs...