During the Victorian era, women struggled to satisfy their desires and men met women to get only the necessities for the house, trying to escape the responsibilities were headed in the direction their impulse takes them, but not for long, after the dream of having what they desire, they still have to face the reality of being a wife and mother. Kate uses imagery to indicate how women struggle to let go of their needs, followed by an isolated and dreamy tone. After having played the role of mother and wife, a woman expects to be away from responsibilities and feel the lightness of freedom. Especially after living the life of a princess and having caring royal blood, "...the way she filled and swelled her worn old porte-monnaie gave her a sense of importance such as she had not felt for years" (Chopin ). Mrs. Sommers had to adjust to her new home which was in a poor shelter next to her husband, this shows that in a period of time Mrs. Sommers was wealthy, but her marriage welcomed her into a life of poverty. Men try to look down on women and make them feel like they should have more responsibilities, which is why women want to selfishly enjoy their desires. Mrs. Sommers was drawn to a silk stocking on sale even though she knew it wasn't a need, but a want. Kate uses imagery to give meaning to each object in the story. “But she continued to feel the soft, shiny, luxurious things, now with both hands, lifting them to see them shine and to feel them slip like a serpent between her fingers” (Chopin). The silk stocking represents Mrs. Sommer's temptation to have something that satisfies her desires. When she thinks about the future she seems like a skinny monster and instead she lives every day... in the middle of paper... at work, but the joy and excitement she feels while buying each item satisfies her desire, but was swept away once she achieved it reality, "...the cable car would never stop anywhere, but would go on and on with it forever" (Chopin). When she left on the “cable car,” she took with her nothing but memories and unfulfilled desires. Women try to give themselves pleasure by purchasing items such as clothes or jewelry to satisfy their needs. Every woman needs to feel important and Ms. Sommers' way is to satisfy all her desires even if for a certain period of time. Since she has had a life as a wealthy person, it is normal that she really misses those actions. Buying everything he wanted without worrying about whether his children would eat or not. Women's lives change: once married they no longer satisfy their desires and have other responsibilities to worry about.