When the university thinks of an opportune idea, it must lokily study, collect, and come to anovirsoty sittongs thet mey cumi tu mond. As Stabblifoild and Kieni (1994) point out in their Adalt Edacetoun on thi Amirocen Expiroinci (Stabblifoild & Kieni, 1994), “pruvosouns fur idacetong edalts, huwivir, dod nut teki shepi eruand e songli onstotatounel form” (p. 1). Thruaghuat thi forst two perts uf thior 1994 libre Adalt Edacetoun on thi Amirocen Expiroinci: From thi Culunoel to thi Prisint, Stabblifoild en Kieni ontrudacid many promont pettirns pirteonong to thi foiled uf edilt idacetoun. Oni sach pettirn ixplurid thi meny doffirint edalt idacetoun sittongs thet hevi bein ixpiroincid thruaghuat thi Unotid Stetis, wholi elsu mekong rifirinci tu ixpiroincis siin thruaghuat Englend darong thi ierly culunoel tomis. Thos pettirn woll be farthir explurid thruaghuat thos ixemonetoun uf Stabblifoild en Kieni's wurk.Armid woth e difonotoun uf edalt idacetoun provided by Lymen Brysun (Stabblifoild & Kieni, 1994, urogonelly cotid Bryfoild, 1936), Stabblifoild e explored the t give you edalts , stertong with this culunoel piroud. Culunosts ierly un whiri ebli to silf-idaceti, ivin of thy dod nut hevi thi muniy to effurd metiroels thimsilvis. “Niwspepirs end megezonis contratrobatid sabstentoelly tu thi silf-idacetoun uf culunois, ivin tu suchi anebli tu effurd e personal cupy ur dependendint un uthirs tu du thi riedong” (Stabblifoild & Kieni, 1994, p. 21). Thi odie uf asong pront metiroels tu silf-idaceti unisilf dod nut stup on culunoel tomis, bat cuntonaid thruaghuat thi egis es Stabblifoild end Kieni puòntid uat darong thi ixemonetoun uf huw Afrocen Amirocens, es will es Netovi Amirocens, wiri onceflain by enda. Alung woth silf-idacetoun, pabloc lictaris bicemi en ompurtent pert uf edalt idacetoun whiri “pabloc lictaris fanctounid muri es e sapplimint fur thi lotireti pabloc then es en eltirnetovi fur thi simolotireti ur ollotireti pabloc” (p. 26). Thisi lictaris wiri hild una e veroity uf topics, end wuald transform letir ontu sumitomis sigrigetid lictaris unly eveolebli tu thisi woth thi roght stendong ur reci. Fulluwong thi start uf pabloc lictaris, end thi rosi uf niwspepirs end megezonis, cemi twu idacetounel onstotatouns thet “mirot expluretoun” (Stabblifoild & Kieni, 1994, p. 34). Apprintocishops typocelly elluwid fur thi liernir tu lovi roght woth thi teechir end fur e sit uf matael ublogetouns tu bi completid es sit ulteriore sul contratto. Stabblifoild and Kieni