Some selected physical characteristics of banana such as mass, true volume, bulk density, true density, geometric mean diameter, surface area etc. and the related statistics such as mean, standard deviation (SD) and standard error (SE) have been presented in Table 1. These two statistics measure the consistency of the data. Table 1 Physical properties of banana var. Grand NainS.No Physical properties Mean SD Min Max SE CV,%1 Mass (M), g 139.65 7.66 126.05 154.29 1.47 5.482 Real volume (V), cm3 136.33 9.86 118.00 157.00 1.90 7.243 Ellipsoidal volume (Vell), cm3 117. 92 9.09 98.15 131.33 1.75 7.704 Ellipsoidal ratio 1.08 0.02 1.05 1.12 0.00 2.145 Fruit density (TD), g/cm3 1.03 0.03 0.98 1.11 0.01 3.206 Bulk density (BD), g/cm3 0.41 0.03 0.35 0.46 0.01 6.547 Length ( L), cm 16.99 0.71 15.45 18.20 0.14 4.208 Width (L), cm 3.78 0.08 3.61 3.91 0.02 2.219 Thickness (T), cm 3, 50 0.10 3.31 3.68 0.02 2.8110 Average diameter, cm 3.56 0.18 3.25 4.04 0.03 .0711 Geometric average diameter (Dg), cm 6.08 0. 16 5.72 6.31 0.03 2.6312 Arithmetic mean diameter (Da), cm 8.09 0.28 7.48 8.54 0.05 3.4013 Surface area according to graph (Sg), cm2 115.84 9.31 99.17 133.28 1.79 8.0414 Surface area according to Jean & Ball, cm2 108.77 6.06 0.25 118.16 1.17 5.5815 Surface area according to McCabe, cm2 116.20 6.04 102.88 124.93 1.16 5.20SD standard deviation, minimum-minimum, maximum-maximum, SE standard error, coefficient of variance CVThe standard deviation measures the degree to which the value of the individual sample differs from the mean of the sample. A larger number of replications decreases the value of the standard deviation. From Table 1, it is observed that the standard deviation ranges from 0.02 to 9.86 and the data is found to be consistent within the replicates. Standard error estimated at......middle of the article......national agrophysics, 16(4),301-306.[24] Tabatabaeefar, A., Rajabipour, A. 2005. Apple mass modeling based on geometric attributes. Scientia Horticulturae, 105 (3),373-382.[25] Tabatabaeefar, A., Vefagh-Nematolahee, A., Rajabipour, A. 2000. Modeling orange mass by size. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2 (4),299-305.[26] Topuz, A., Topakci, M., Canakci, M., Akinci, I., Ozdemir, F. 2005. Physical and nutritional properties of four orange varieties. Journal of Food Engineering, 66 (4),519-523.[27] Visvanathan, R., Palanisamy, P., Gothandapani, L., Sreenarayanan, V. 1996. Physical properties of neem nut. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 63 (1),19-25.[28] Wilhelm, L., Suter, D., Brusewitz, G. 2005. Physical properties of food materials. ASAE Food and Process Engineering Technology, St Joseph, Michigan, USA,23-52.