We need a tougher death penalty Many people, in general, are trying to abolish the death penalty. Why? Why try to abolish something that is needed in our corrupt world? As for example in the case of the monster called Westley Dodd. The death penalty is doing the crime world some good. If people could see the right in their negative outlook. Westley Dodd had been jailed on many occasions for child molestation and in 1989 he committed a crime of a horrific nature that brought even investigators to tears. Westley Dodd preyed on children, one of many, etched in everyone's minds. Dodd attracted the attention of a five-year-old boy named Lee Islei, knocked him unconscious and then dragged him into his apartment. Dodd then tortured and molested him repeatedly for several hours, and then had the darkness to capture it all on videotape. Dodd ended up strangling the beaten child to death and keeping his underwear as a "souvenir" (Lerch). In Dodd's trial, he explained that he could never have stopped himself from committing brutal sexual murder crimes. Luckily, the jury sentenced him to death. He asked to be executed by hanging and was executed on January 5, 1993 (Lerch). This is a perfect situation that definitely called for the death penalty. Believe it or not, many of these sick and perverted men get out of prison. Dodd did this before killing Lee Iseli. This is why the death penalty comes in very handy in cases like these. There are also many points that can be proven and items that can be made regarding the death penalty. The main topic of this article is: Is the death penalty an effective deterrent in view of the growing crime of murder? There is a tremendous... in the center of the paper.......DiIulio Jr., John J. "The death penalty is an effective deterrent." The death penalty; Opposing points of view. California: Greenhaven Press, 1997. “Friends For Life.” "Friends for life": the organization. [Online]. Available: http://www.friends-for-life.demon.co.uk/. Search: Internet.Lerch, Randy. "The pages in favor of the death penalty". [Online] Available: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/8169/. Search: Internet. January 31, 1997. Lewin, Tamar. "Punishable by death: who decides who dies?" New York Times. New York: SIRS Corrections 1995. 1995.Sowell, Thomas. “The death penalty is an effective deterrent.” The death penalty; Opposing points of view. California: Greenhaven Press, 1997. Steamer, Robert J. “Furman vs. Georgia.” Grolier multimedia encyclopedia. 1995.Appendix A. New York: SIRS Corrections 1995. 1995.