Gun violence is at an all-time high. After the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, widespread concern forced lawmakers to reconsider our gun laws. When twenty children and six educators were shot and killed, many citizens were outraged and implored authorities to pass stricter gun laws because with fewer guns, there may be fewer incidents involving gun violence. Many people believe that the widespread availability of firearms is making society unsafe. Every year, according to US News Digital Weekly, nearly 100,000 Americans are killed, 32,000 of them die, 47 children are shot every day, and eight of them die. To resolve this problem, all applicants should require more rigorous background checks, restrictions and enforcement of gun sales at gun shows should be improved, and the availability of automatic weapons should be limited. More rigorous background checks should be mandatory for all gun purchases, and a database should be maintained at the state and federal levels, which could be funded by the federal government. According to Messer and Cartwright, background checks are a safer way to reduce the chances of putting families in danger. People opposed to the new laws misinterpret background checks into believing they can violate the rights of responsible gun owners. In reality, background checks prevent known criminals and unstable people from acquiring guns. The loophole with private gun sales, however, is that criminals and mentally unstable buyers can purchase from a private seller without a background check. Because of this loophole, private sales should be documented. Also 74% of National Rifle Association members and 87% of...... middle of paper...... MasterFILE Elite. Network. 18 October 2015.Goldberg, J 2012, 'The Case for More Guns (And More Gun Control)', Atlantic Monthly (10727825), 310, 5, pp. 68-78, Literary Reference Center, EBSCOhost, viewed October 7, 2015. 2015.McInery, Thomas K. “Keeping Children Safe from Gun Violence.” Vital Talks of the Day 79.7 (2013): 209-211. MasterFILEElite. Network. October 4, 2015. Messer, Luke, Cartwright, Matt. “Should all gun sales require background checks?” US News Digital Weekly 5.20 (2013): 16. MasterFILE Elite. Network. October 18, 2015. Tormey, Travis J. “NJ Gun Laws: Both Registration and Criminal Charges” New Jersey Criminal Defense and DWI Lawyer, October 8, 2015. Zarych, John J. “The Current State of Gun Laws of New Jersey." EIN Presswire, 13 August 2009. Web. 18 October 2015. “Homicide Statistics” Australian Institute of Criminology, 21 February 2013. Web. 8 October. 2015