All texts can be read and understood, interpreted and represented in many different ways depending on the opinions of those who respond and their context. Many different interpretations of "King Lear" have been made, each enhancing and highlighting different aspects and themes of the play. These interpretations need to be made and adapted for “King Lear” to have relevance in the context of society. Each interpretation of the text extracts and focuses on certain ideas, issues, themes, values of the work, altering the way in which the work is received by the public and critics. Shakespeare's tragedy, King Lear, can be interpreted in many ways and many responses. The imprecision and complication of the opera led to its numerous productions. The interpretation of the problems and ideas in King Lear depends on each individual speaker. Individuals can be influenced by their personal experiences, moral and ethical standards, and the situation of their time. The show explores and examines the underlying nature and fundamental flaws of humanity such as self-indulgence. Due to the conflict of issues, the work may be constantly reshaped and analyzed to fit the current times. Because of this, different meanings are constantly being produced.Absurd version.Peter Brook 1971 – with Paul Scofield as LearWho thought Lear was "A prime example of the absurd"? Comments on how twentieth-century critics often try to place King Lear. Brooks produced an absurd interpretation that gives rise to a state of moral disengagement but still maintained the textual truth, this forced the interviewees to make their own interpretations of the work. Brooks used traditional Shakespearean techniques in this first production to convey h...... middle of paper ...... and minimalist elements of the production, with Stephen Dunne of the Sydney Morning Herald simply stating: "Minimal resources , maximum effect. "From studying different readings, interpretations and productions, it helped me develop my understanding of the work. Furthermore, different productions of King Lear can alter the meaning of the play. Consequently, it is up to the individual respondent to understand the game as he or she wishes. The "modern audience" of the 1990s would have seen the opera as a family drama. This important sector of the "modern audience" can connect directly to the family issues and domestic drama that unfolds around the show. Elizabethan/Jacobean audiences would see the play more as a political tragedy due to the context. Bibliography King Lear - William Shakespeare King Lear - Eyre Production King Lear - Harlos Production