1.0 IntroductionThe modernized world has changed people's perception on how they view break or free time. Many people do not give importance to breaks or play times in primary school. Therefore, the expected duration of play times in primary school has ultimately shortened over the years. The NF (2014) states that "school breaks are getting shorter despite pupils and teachers recognizing them as an important opportunity for physical exercise and socialising". Rochman (2012) stated that “play time can be as important as classroom time in helping students perform at their best.” If studying is considered important and is the main focus at primary school level, free time is also equally important since free time is the period in which children have the opportunity to develop various skills. In this essay, break or playtime are two different words that carry the same definition as "recess." The AOTA (2012) defined recess as “an important part of every school day…Recess is an important time when students can develop important performance skills in the areas of emotional regulation, communication and social skills.” .2.0 Definition of Break or Play Time Play time is a word that can be defined and understood in various ways, resulting in a misunderstanding of the term 'play time'. Play time can be considered as a time when children are left to play freely without supervision or in other words a time when students can do as they like without limitations and instructions. Some people may view play time as a well-planned period in school where students gain new knowledge and skills. What is the real meaning of the term "game time"? PPSG defined playtime as “a freely, personally chosen process of...... middle of paper......n, B., (2012) Yay for Recess: Pediatricians Say It's as important as Math or Reading, Available at: http://healthland.time.com/2012/12/31/yay-for-recess-pediatricians-say-its-as-important-as-math-or-reading/, (accessed: 05/01/14) Scott,E., (2007) Play Time for Healthy Child Development, available at: http://stress.about.com/od/parentingskills/a/play.htm, ( accessed 01/06/14 )Sindelar,R., (2002) The Recess: Is It Necessary in the 21st Century? Available at: http://ecap.crc.illinois.edu/poptopics/recess.html, (accessed: 01/08/14) The American Occupational Therapy Association School Mental Health Work Group, (2012) The Role of Occupational Therapy in Mental Health Promotion, Prevention, & Intervention with Children & Youth: Recess Promotion, available at: http:/ /www.aota.org/-/media/Corporate/Files/Practice/Children/SchoolMHToolkit/Recess%20Promotion.ashx, (accessible: 05/01/14)