Authentic Activities in a Nursing Classroom Authentic learning activities are described as "tasks identical or similar to those that children" and adults "will eventually encounter in external world" (Ormrod, 2012, p. 332). Activities for nursing students should mimic situations that will be used in their real-life career with several activities developed by the educator to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for the nursing student to make meaningful connections between the classroom and teaching of skills. Elements for developing authentic activities should take into consideration whether “the activity requires students to work collaboratively and use their experiences as a starting point, allows the student to learn from their mistakes, the activity has value beyond the learning context and builds skills that can be used beyond the duration of the course and does the student have a way to implement their findings in a meaningful way? (Green, 2012, para. 2). Nursing faculty can provide authentic activities to students through skills workshops, case scenarios, and roles ...