Job SatisfactionDo people really like their jobs? Sure, everyone knows from the news that dissatisfied workers go on strike or even act violently towards their supervisors, directors, but overall people are quite satisfied with their jobs. A Conference Board study found that in 1995, 58.6 percent of Americans were satisfied with their jobs. By 2000, that percentage had dropped to 50.7. But in Uzbekistan (the Central Asian country where I was born), people are generally not satisfied with their jobs. satisfied with their work. The reason lies in the lack of job choices and pay. People do their jobs without any satisfaction because they have to earn money to survive. I think the main reasons why people in Uzbekistan are not satisfied with the work they do are the absence of good knowledge of organization management and corruption. As we learned from the “Organizational Behavior” course, we know that job satisfaction influences employee performance within the organization and the productivity of the organization as a whole. So let's see what job satisfaction is and what factors can influence it. Job Satisfaction: It is the general attitude of an individual towards his job, or the feelings, which reflect the attitudes towards his job, are known as job satisfaction. Settings, relating to staff job satisfaction and devotion to the company, present a special interest in the theory of organizational behavior and the practice of human resource management. A discussion of the problem of job satisfaction focuses attention on the attitude of employees towards their work, and a discussion of devotion to the organization - on the attitude towards the organization as a whole. What is job satisfaction again? Lock provides the following detailed definition of job satisfaction: “pleasant and positive emotional condition resulting from job evaluation or work experience.”1 Job satisfaction is the result of employees' own perception of how their job provides important things, from their point of view. There are three metrics more important than job satisfaction. First, job satisfaction represents an emotional reaction to the situation in the office. It is impossible to see it, you can only experience it. Second, job satisfaction is often defined by the extent to which job outcomes match expectations. For... half the paper... their work. Research results show that employees who feel a sense of job satisfaction from their work have better physical and moral health, master the necessary skills faster, suffer from industrial trauma and make demands more rarely. Another positive factor revealed in recent research is that employees who are satisfied with their work more often demonstrate examples of pro-social and "civil" behaviors and actions, for example they more often assist colleagues and customers and in common they exercise an inclination towards cooperation . 13Overall, researchers dealing with the sphere of organizational behavior, as well as professional managers, believe that job satisfaction is very important for the organization. Some critics note that this statement is still a conjecture, as the positive effect on job satisfaction is still poorly studied. On the other hand, the negative impact of job satisfaction on the organization is an indisputably recognized fact. This is why, even if we consider the..