Canterbury Tales: The Monk Corruption under the guise of purity within the Catholic Church has been an ongoing problem for as long as anyone can remember. During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church had become widely known for hypocrisy, abuse of clerical power, and compromise of morality everywhere. Geoffrey Chaucer gave a fine, somewhat darkly comic example of this through The Monk, from The Canterbury Tales. The Monk is enlisting on a pilgrimage perhaps for his love of horse riding, or to further enrich his pockets by forgiving people for their sins. According to the four main orders of friars of the Middle Ages, monks had to take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. The content of this essay clearly suggests that the Monk does not particularly care about these vows and is more interested in riding and taking money for his indulgences. Monaco is presented for the first time as "a fair for maistries". it is above the importance of the average person. It is then explained that the Monk has a deep love of horse riding, which is usually the hobby of a rich man, and definitely not that of a supposedly humble and simple monk who should be known to stay within the cloister walls and devoted to books and prayer. Referring to the rule of Saint Benedict who basically prays and works, the Monk does not pay attention to his rule thus giving the idea of a somewhat negligent and selfish monk. The Monk is further described as this in the following passage: “What sholde studies and makes wood of Hymselven, on a book in cloystre ever to pour, or swynken with his hands and his work, as he bit Austin? How will the world be served? Lat Austyn has his debt reserved for him!” (Lines 184-188) The Monk shamelessly indulged in his uncommon hobbies, such as horseback riding, dressing richly with lined sleeves, expensive gray fur, and a gold brooch pinned under his chin. He wore a double-breasted cloak with a Flemish beaver hat. Of course he is still an esteemed monk, and he shows it with his infamous crowned haircut like that of a holy and worthy monk. The monk loved to eat and dress well, and is described as "full of fat and in good condition" (line 200). with bright eyes, soft boots and horses in the best shape. His favorite food was a fatty