Dubbed the Black Eye Galaxy, its magnitude is 8.5 and its dimensions are 9.3' by 5.4', making it visible as an elongated disk. This galaxy is easy to find as it is located just 1 degree E-NE of the 5th magnitude star 35 Comae Berenices. M106 is the best of the three galaxies measuring a whopping 18.2' by 7.9'. It is a well-defined spindle, elongated SE-NW and immersed in a uniformly bright halo of nebulosity. M106 is located in a rather poor star field about 4 degrees east of Chi Ursae Majoris, so locating it may be a bit difficult. A pair of galaxies that rivals M81 and M82 is made up of M65 and M66, separated by just 21' and located about 2.5 degrees S-SE of Theta Leonis in the constellation Leo. M66 is a spiral galaxy measuring 8.7' by 4.4' with a magnitude of 9.0. M65 extends approximately 10.0' by 3.3', shines at magnitude 9.3, and is clearly visible as a small, elongated NW-SE spot. NGC 2903 is a large spiral galaxy located to the west of Epsilon Leonis, at the tip of Leo's crescent. Binoculars visualize it as a 5'x3' patch nebula highlighted by a brighter central part