The monster creation scene is not about the monsters more or less being born, but rather about Victor's success in bringing an abomination to life "but now that I was done , the beauty of the dream faded, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart” (Frankenstein chapter 5). This is similar to how Gregor's awakening scene is not about Gregor's transformation, but rather the concerns he has about his job and providing an income for his family. The feelings of the outsider, of the monster in Frankenstein and of Gregor in the metamorphosis, are highlighted by being ignored. Thus ignored in Gregor's case, he himself is entirely unaware of the transformation. This focus on the metamorphosis, where Gregor, even after realizing that he has transformed, wonders what will happen to his family after losing his job. Which brings us to Frankenstein, he was literally just created, his life is something completely new to the world and his feelings and thoughts about his creation seem like something that could be important and yet they are not the focus, these feelings as with Gregor are expressed by the fact that they are ignored in favor of the human characters in Metamorphosis, Gregor's family and in Frankenstein, Frankenstein