The CPUThe CPU is the brain of everyday electronics. The microprocessor is a CPU small enough to fit in iPods and is the one used today, unlike in the past when the CPU was large, almost bigger than a refrigerator! They were not as small as today's, with very small parts in the technology humans use today. CPU has come a long way in its history with its components and types. All microprocessor started with Intel 4004 in 1971. CPU (Central Processing Unit, also known as microprocessor) is a very complex part of computers that has many complicated parts, compound evolution, and different architectures for each device (Davis). Arithmetic unit, logic unit and registers make up the complicated CPU (Garza). The arithmetic unit is the digital circuit that performs integer arithmetic (things to do with numbers and mathematics) and logical operations (Wikipedia Flip contributors). Now, finally, the logs. These are simple parts of the CPU that help hold data for processing. Otherwise the CPU wouldn't work because it needs a place to place instructions (What is CPU?). CPU box labeling is critical to providing customers with the information they need for their next CPU. For example, the clock rate at which the CPU processes. This is the maximum speed at which the CPU can process instructions. This is measured in hertz, or more or less, gigahertz. Gigahertz equals one billion Hertz. One hertz is one second. So, if the average clock frequency of a CPU is 1.5 GHz, the CPU would process one billion five hundred million instructions per second. Now all these instructions are processed one by one, individually. In other words, the CPU must process one instruction to get to the next (Wikipedia Contributor Central). Another pi......half of the paper......unit." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 26 January 2014 . Web. 27 January 2014. .Wikipedia Contributors. "Flip-flop (electronics)." February 27, 2014. Web. February 27, 2014. Wikipedia Contributors. "Intel." Wikipedia, February 26, 2014. Wikipedia Web Contributors. February 27, 2014. Wikipedia. "Mobile Processor," Wikipedia, February 22, 2014. Web 2014. .