The rapid increase in the number of child marriages in recent years, coupled with the extremely high divorce rate within this same group, makes this topic extremely important. If you are a teenager and are seriously considering early marriage, these are a number of potential problem areas that you should be aware of, so that if you decide that this is the best course of action, you will be alert to possible difficulties that may arise . the problem of adequate financial support is evident. While money doesn't buy happiness, it's true that a tight financial situation can create tension that can undermine an otherwise happy relationship. While some financial problems are to be expected in almost any new marriage, it is important to take time to think sensibly, so that such problems do not destroy what could otherwise be a beautiful relationship if not entered into prematurely. This doesn't mean that you wait to get married until every possible financial problem has been completely resolved, but it simply suggests that you don't turn a blind eye to the real situation whatever it may be. Talk to other young couples who have been married for several months to get more insight and a realistic idea of the financial problems you may be facing. It's unfortunate, but true, that what seems like a lot of money to you now, can seem like very little when you have to pay your monthly bills. It is also a good idea to realize that if parents or in-laws depend too heavily on financial support this may also provide the basis for other family conflicts later. Regardless of the good intentions involved, it is almost always true that the person who controls the money ultimately rules the day. While some newlywed couples find it necessary to temporarily move in with their parents, this is generally not a wise choice unless absolutely necessary and only for the shortest period of time possible. (Genesis 2:24). The old proverb that "no house is big enough for two women" can apply to other family members as well. Not only does this type of arrangement tend to produce family conflict, but the lack of privacy also tends to make early sexual adjustments much more difficult, thus producing an atmosphere that can lead to much more serious problems in later years..