Topic > It's Time to Update the Catholic Mass - 1439

The Catholic faith believes that thousands of years ago God sent his son Jesus Christ into our world to save us from our sins. He preached about the heavenly kingdom of God which we will one day join if we trust in him. Many people rejected his teachings. Some people, however, put their trust in him and believed what he had to say. These early followers, together with Jesus Christ himself, formed the Catholic Church. Today, over 1.6 billion people worldwide belong to the Catholic Church, making it the largest organized religion (Catholic data, Catholic statistics, Catholic research). Active Catholics practice their faith by attending Mass every Sunday to worship the Lord. This time taken away from the week should be a time for Catholics to reflect and pray to the Lord; However, many people find this difficult when they spend a lot of time talking and listening to words and phrases that they don't even fully understand. If Catholic parishioners seek to form a close, personal relationship with God, they must be able to understand, participate in, and relate to the teachings of the mass. I believe it is very difficult for people to fully form a connection with God during mass when they are almost asleep and just going through the motions. Many people don't even fully know what the words they are speaking mean; they respond to the priest only with what they should say. From an early age we were taught all the prayers to say during mass and what we should say at certain times. This, however, eventually becomes a routine where we say what we should say without thinking about the powerful meaning behind each individual word. A specific example is when we recite the Our Father. ...... middle of paper ...... ll, Deacon Timothy. ""BUT THE CHURCH IS BORING!"" NikodemosOrthodox Publishing Company. Network. January 24, 2012.."The flaccid body of Christ | Patrol - A review of religion and the modern world."Patrol - A review of religion and the modern world | Writing about religion, culture and politics. Patrol, November 12, 2009. Web. January 24, 2012.christ/>.Stainburn, Samantha. “Revised Catholic Mass begins this weekend.” World News | Latest US News & International News Headlines - GlobalPost. GlobalPost-International News, Nov. 24, 2011. Web. Jan. 24, 2012.states/111124/revised-catholic-mass-liturgy-latin-church>.