For this assignment I would like to take a closer look at alcohol advertisements. Working in the bar industry, I see many alcohol ads every day promoting and trying to sell their product to their target audience. According to the results of the 2007 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, people between the ages of 21 and 25 drink more than any other age group (Aldworth 32). At this age, my peers and I represent a large portion of the target audience for alcohol companies. For most of our lives we've heard that college is a time to have fun and party. The Federal Trade Commission claims that underage groups are highly exposed to alcohol advertising (1999). Another study conducted found that 1.2 alcohol commercials per hour were found during college sports programming (Grube 54). Think about the last time you saw an alcohol commercial. What did he look like? What or who was the focus of the ad? How did it make you feel? What message was sent to you? Many print advertisements promoting alcohol use sex to sell their product. I challenge you to search “Alcohol Ads” in Google Images and see how many of these print ads contain some sort of sexual aspect. Whether it's a partially naked, thin, busty woman, or a woman placed between a man's legs, or an image of a woman appearing to undress, sex is everywhere in alcohol ads. It has become so prominent that sex in alcohol advertisements increased by 12% between 1983 and 2003 (Reichert, Childers, and Reid 1). Skyy Vodka, for example, has been at the center of much controversy over sexy alcohol ads. One ad depicts a slim, tanned and very busty white woman lying between the legs of a man in a tuxedo standing above her holding a bottle of Skyy Vodka and two glasses of the center of the card ... ...viewing the content, effects, and functions of sexual information in consumer advertising." Ebscohost Publishing (2003): 241-273. Ebscohost Academic Research Premier. Network. March 18. 2014Reichert, Tom, Courtney Carpenter Childers, Leonard Hall. "How Sex in Advertising Varies by Product Category: An Analysis of Three Decades of Visual Sexual Imagery in Magazine Advertising" Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising 33 (2012): 1-19 Print.Reichert, Tom, Ignazio Fosu. "Women's Responses to Sex in Advertising: Examining the Effect of Women's Sexual Self-Schema on Responses to Sexual Content in Commercials." : 143-153. Ebscohost Academic Search Premier. Network. March 18. 2014Sturken, Marita, Lisa Cartwright. “Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture.” New York, New York: Oxford University Press, Inc., 2009. Print.