Each branch has powers that it can use to control the other two branches. The legislative branch can check the executive branch by overriding the president's vetoes with a majority vote. The legislative branch has many checks for the judicial branch. Some of the controls include: they can impeach judges, they can create lower courts, and the Senate can approve judge nominations. Some large government positions that have important roles to play are the Speaker of the House, Senate President Pro Templore, majority and minority leaders, and party leaders. In the main government positions, elected officials play very significant roles. Important roles for the Speaker of the House are to supervise the daily sessions of the Senate, preserve order in the House, state parliamentary motions and rule on parliamentary matters, appoint chairmen and members of committees, report bills to committee, sign laws, and take action as an official person speaking on behalf of the House or Assembly. The President pro tempore of the Senate does not have as many roles as the Speaker of the House, but his roles are just as important. Major roles chosen for the president pro tempore include: Control over the Senate