As small as the 3% percentage already is, only a smaller percentage is available for human use. Of that 3% of fresh water, 2% is locked in glaciers, leaving 7.125 billion people to share 1% of the earth's water. This 1% is the only usable water on Earth. About 70% of the usable water on Earth is used for agricultural irrigation; that leaky pipes and incorrect irrigation methods waste 60% of that water. In addition to this, pesticides and fertilizers used in agriculture often end up in local freshwater supplies and pollute them. As a result, approximately 1.1 billion people do not have access to water and, for at least one month a year, another 2.7 billion have difficulty finding it. Not only is water difficult to find for many, but the water found is often polluted. For another 2.4 billion people, poor sanitation is a problem to which they are exposed