“Sometimes I [Huck] would pick up a chicken…and carry it with me. Dad always said, get a chicken when you get the chance [he also said this about fruit and vegetables]…there was no harm in borrowing something if you wanted to pay it back…the widow said so…[she was] stealing …Jim said…the widow was partly right and Pap was partly right…[Tom says] stealing cattle and the like…[is] robbery…not a style” (Twain 65 , 8). Huck has irresolute feelings about theft, due to the different opinions of each model (positive and negative), which influence his life. Although Huck is never caught and punished by the authorities for theft, America's early justice system had specific punishments for thieves. “Burglary was punished in all the colonies… with a capital B [was branded] the right hand for the first crime… the left hand for the second… if either [was] committed in the Lord's Day [was branded] on the forehead as a mark of infamy." (Article 2 page 8). Theft was one of the few actions in early America, which provided clear wages according to the judicial system and had to be respected by each colony. The adventures of Huckleberry Finn outlines numerous crimes and punishments