Topic > ASTD Competence Model - 1116

79). In recent years I have worked on educational research projects. My duties include meeting with the client to identify the needs of the project. I then work with a team of course designers to develop a training program that meets the needs of the project to deliver to field staff. I am responsible for thoroughly reviewing debriefing reports, meeting with the client to discuss issues and identifying solutions that can be included as part of the training program. I consider myself an expert in this area of ​​business expertise as I have extensive experience working with the client and identifying needs. Another area in which I have demonstrated expert competence is the application of innovation. Anderson et al., (2013) states that competence is demonstrated in this field through the use of “new resources, methods, tools, or content to advance training and development” (p. 82). For each training development cycle my team researches new training development tools and features with excellent reviews that can be implemented into training. This has significantly improved the quality and content of the training