Peers of his time like Michelangelo, criticized him because it was difficult to get along with Leonardo and because he never finished any of his works. Even so, without knowing a medical name due to the differences that existed between him and his contemporaries, Leonardo had great success, so much so that more than 5 centuries after his death the world knows him. His works on mathematics, proportions, flight, technology and much more are used in the present. He made notable contributions to human progress, even when he did not have the advantage of computers and advanced technology that exist today. After analyzing all the facts that contributed to what he became, his disabilities are a gift to us currently. Not only was there no trace found of Leonardo feeling sorry for himself for how different he was. He worked until his death on May 2, 1519, aged just 67. With this superb example, anyone with a disability, especially those with a harsh stigma like mental health conditions, should know that they are not alone. Sometimes it might be difficult to reach the final goal, because society is not made to adapt to those who are different. But having a positive attitude, being persistent, always trying the best path that is in front of a person who has a physical or mental disability is