Assignment no. 1: Application of Theory: Person in Environment When analyzing a case, it is very important to discuss the main biological, psychological and social factors involved. It is important to pay particular attention to how these factors intersect with each other and how this intersectional interplay affects the entire well-being of a human being. Robins, S.P., Chatterjee, P. & Canda, E.R. (2012) point out that “all systems theories are based on a holistic view of people that recognizes the interrelationship between biological, psychological, socio-cultural and spiritual dimensions of behavior ” (Susan P. Robbins, Pranab Chatterjee, Edward R. Canda, Contemporary Human Behavior Theory: A Critical Perspective for Social Work, 2012, p. You Have to Ask Yourself, 418-439). In the cartoon, social dominance theory is at the forefront. The whole theme of homelessness versus the working class illustrates the concept of social dominance theory by addressing social hierarchies. Due to the ruling class that holds all the power and profit, Michael has developed a defeatist attitude towards life, which is why he is homeless. Another example of social dominance theory presented in the cartoon is police brutality. Shawn Ginwright and Julio Camarota point out that the “be tough on youth” crime discourse has shifted our attention from the powerful social forces and structural barriers that create and maintain problems to explanations of group behavior. As a result, racism, the influence of poverty, and the effect of unemployment have been ignored while the problems of urban youth are highlighted” (Shawn Ginwright and Julio Cammarota, “New Terrain in Youth Development: The Promise of a Social Justice Approach", p.ACE was defined as any type of abuse experienced before the age of eighteen, whether emotional or physical. This research highlights that those who suffered from ACE most likely developed risky behaviors later in life because that was a way for them (him/her) to cope. ACE research shows there is a direct line to alcoholism, smoking and other addictions, homelessness, mental health problems and incarceration (in Heather Larkin , Brooke A. Beckos and Joseph J. Shields ( 2012) Mobilizing resilience and recovery in response to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs): a case study of comprehensive restorative supports (RIS), Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 40:4,