The film A Man for All Seasons follows the diplomatic life of Sir Thomas More. The film opens with Sir Thomas, who was some kind of judge in an appellate court. At this time in history, King Henry VIII was legally married to Catherine of Aragon, his first wife. He was intent on having an heir to the throne and Catherine did not give him sons. This was a great test for the court officials and even the church. Henry wanted to divorce his first wife (who was six years his senior) and marry another younger woman named Anne Boleyn. At that time, the Church of England was headed by the Pope, and also by lesser authorities, the cardinals. When Henry began to force his opinion and his desire to take command of the church, he divorced Catherine of Aragon and married Anne Boleyn, one of Henry's friends resigned; a friend named Sir Thomas More. During this period, he more cautiously and wisely never said or declared his frank opinions. Soon a bad situation arose that could endanger anyone who disagreed with those who agreed with the King. Others thought that if he resigned he should no longer be involved in any political issues. Henry VIII valued More's opinion on this issue above his own advisors, but was too impulsive and impatient to understand More and what he thought, let alone the delicacy of the situation. At that time, (1500) England was much more politically and monarchically structured, as the Magna Carta (the first charter) had been signed many years ago and had meanwhile come into force. The kings still thought they could have all the power, and everyone was under pressure to serve the king and had no opinions except his. England had a stronger political structure... a paper centre... a busy family life, which made the country much stronger. England went through World War I and World War II, and Elizabeth II ascended the throne only a few years after World War II. The influence of the queens of England has been one of peace, and Elizabeth is a queen who has kept her country strong and continues to keep it strong. This movie was a pleasure to watch. I love older movies and this one was great. The cast was well chosen and I was blown away by the voice of the man who played Sir Thomas More. Later, I discovered that the actor is the same man who narrated Focus on The Family Radio Theatre's “Narnia” series, hosted by Douglas Gresham. After my discovery, I associated Thomas More with courage (more than I had previously) and was amazed at how steadfastly he stood his ground. Thomas More is an inspiration to Christians, as he let God give him strength.