Topic > Frame climate change as a sustainability issue…

Identify negative impacts on human health, political instability and development that go beyond environmental governance capabilities, but argue that these have been amplified by ineptitude politics. These authors argue that to ensure sustainable development, Africa must achieve good governance, return to traditional values ​​and prioritize rural development and women's empowerment. They therefore conclude that Africa must adopt a holistic approach, addressing climate change within the framework of sustainable development. The article's focus on Africa is both a strength and a limitation. Its strength lies in the use of quantifiable data to demonstrate the effects of climate change on all aspects of society. Since this is a case study, however, the article does not contain a detailed theoretical framework and does not address the theoretical debate and key governance issues, such as the North-South divide, as outlined in Grist, Bulkely and Newell ( see below). ). What makes this article useful, however, is the detailed discussion of how the effects of climate change are so endemic to society that they cannot be treated separately from sustainable development or framed simply as an environmental issue. The article is therefore central to my argument that climate change governance must be achieved using the discourse of sustainable development, with Africa as an important