Topic > Sonali Kohli and Modern Segregation in Public Schools

Many tend to shy away when anything involving race is involved. The title of the article “Modern segregation in public schools” directly refers to the issue. Everyone realizes what segregation is. There is no doubt that the topic must be taken seriously. Kohli links the issue to the Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education of 1954, "... mandating the desegregation of America's public schools." The Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education case will forever be known as a highly historic and heartbreaking decision. An emotional tactic seen through a real experience with a student was used. Walter Fields, the father of an African-American student in New Jersey, has seen firsthand the effects of tracking as another form of segregation. Field's daughter scored high enough to be placed in an accelerated course at her high school, but was not placed in the course due to a lack of recommendation from her teacher. Fields said, “You can…look in a classroom and know whether it is a higher-level class or a lower-level class based on the racial composition of the class.” This means that the lower level classes are predominantly made up of African Americans and the upper level classes are predominantly made up of white students. Thus, reinforcing the statistics of racial distribution in AP courses at Columbia High School where Black students made up 51.5% of total enrollment, but only 18.7% were enrolled in AP courses. This contrasts with the 38.4% of white students with 69.8% taking the AP course