Need for causal judgments and particular laws of causalitySahar Heydari FardR11290057IntroductionKant found himself faced with an innovative criticism, based on causality, which could be resolved with the attenuation of metaphysics and science in general . The distinction between a priori and a posteriori judgments and the demonstration of the possibility of metaphysics and science as synthetic a priori knowledge was his response to this criticism. He introduced a system in which judgments could be made as needed, according to concepts of a priori understanding. One of these concepts is causality, which he introduces as a principle of temporal sequence according to the law of causality. In this article I will argue that the law of causality is divided into the law of general and empirical causality. General laws of causality derive their necessity from the fact that, even when looking at temporal sequences, they require the concept of causality, however, particular laws of causality cannot be necessary in this way. Accordingly, science should respond as it can with necessary judgments such as “A is the cause of B”. In the first section I will address the main problem in more detail, and in the next section Kant's response towards the general law of causality would be discussed. Chapter three is basically about the meaning of causality. Some objections will also be presented, which essentially refer to the need to have particular causal laws to solve this problem. I will demonstrate the role of particular laws of causality, including to what extent they might guarantee necessity for the favorable response, in the next two chapters.1. Methodological formula for making lawsBy observing what is happening in science, Hume and all empiricists can cons... ... in the middle of the sheet ......p current, then in the middle and finally downstream. 24O A⊃B⊃C regarding the principle of continuity, in which Kant mentions it; «The principle of continuity prohibited any leap in the series of appearances (alterations) (in mundo non datur saltus), but also any gap or crack between two appearances in the sum of all empirical intuitions in space...», it is necessary for the ship is upstream to be midstream. Consequently, A can be known as the cause of B and B as the cause of C. Example 2: When the sun shines on a stone, it heats up.25 Existence of a heat source is necessary for everything to heat up. Or the concept of heat source is necessarily connected with heat. The concept of sun is found under the genus of heat sources. The sun shining on a stone is followed by heating. The sun is the cause of the stone's heat.