Most people think of Halloween in October, so the time to run the ad fits perfectly. The ad was widely seen on social media and helped this ad cross national borders in the United States. Pepsi's Belgian Facebook page is most likely the first place the ad was posted, so it makes sense that most of the debate between the two soft drink advocates took place online. A Belgian blogging company called Opusfidelis wrote: "The advert went viral within hours of posting on Pepsi Belgium's Facebook page, garnering thousands of shares and spreading across Twitter, Google+ and Reddit like wildfire. " (2013). The ad achieved this viral status on social media because Coca-Cola supporters believed that the Pepsi can was improved by wearing a Coca-Cola cape while the Pepsi side believed the opposite. There was so much talk between the two sides about the "Scary Pepsi" ad that Coca-Cola even gave an unofficial response. In Coca-Cola's version of the ad, the original text that read "We wish you a spooky Halloween" was changed to "Everyone wants to be a hero!" Now the red cape that was previously seen as a funny play on words, now looked like a red cape. By transforming Pepsi into a superior product, Coca-Cola, this unofficial response provided further fuel to the fire between the two camps and became the rallying cry of Coca-Cola supporters. Both Coca Cola