Kathy hasn't given me much information about it other than the fact that she uses the computer to enter customer information and when they receive prescriptions AND from doctors. Computers are extremely helpful when entering a prescription because they can automatically fill in the Rx number when you enter the rest of the information, and you can also use them to update any customer information or insurance information. There can be many other forms of technology depending on the type of pharmacy. Many community pharmacies have barcode scanners available that can be used to compare the NDC numbers on the prescription bottle and the DEA number on the actual prescription to ensure the safety of your medications. Other pharmacies have automated counters that automatically count large quantities of pills or even a Parata Max, which can fill, dispense and label prescriptions, as well as store them neatly. Hospital pharmacies may have a Pyxis machine where medicines are generally stored neatly and available to nurses. The Pyxis machine helps to ensure the safety of medicines in a hospital pharmacy because only nurses and other healthcare workers working in that hospital can use the machine because the machine will only work and open with their fingerprint. Technology in pharmacies helps speed up the process of filling, dispensing and storing accurately, which can help ensure the safety of patients' medicines, but because the technology can easily glitch or make mistakes, all medicines used by a of these forms of technology should be doubled