Topic > Work and family conflict in the family - 1597

IntroductionFrom single mothers and fathers to workers Husbands and wives who work long hours and spend long hours away from the family are affected by work and family conflict. The parent is unable to assist with homework, school projects, and community issues related to work and family conflicts. What is work and family conflict? It is when an individual works to the point where their personal life and that of their family members are affected by their absences. Work and family conflict cause multiple problems both at home and at work. Many people affected by work and family conflict at work, for example the employee, feel frustrated at work because they have a family emergency that they cannot handle. Their boss or employer may become restless due to time lost from work to handle a family situation, doctor's appointment, or school matters. The conflict may come from a family member, for example the child or children may misbehave in class due to lack of attention at home. The other spouse may feel neglected because of the lost hour of quality time from their work partner. Work and family conflicts can affect all parties involved: employer, colleagues, spouse, children or even friends. The main idea will be to gather some background information and literature to see how they contribute to work and family conflict. Also discover some actions to take and steps to explore regarding this issue. Context Many different acts in U.S. history play an important role in events occurring in today's society. Work-family conflicts have not always been a problem because before 1848 women were not allowed to be part of the workforce and African Americans were not noticed in the community as helpers... ..The community worker has the worst time in the separate work and family conflict. The problem is that the danger of the job causes them to be overly protective of their families and makes it difficult for them to split them up. The action taken to resolve the problem at work will be to change the work schedule. Have flexible hours to work and save time for family. The next step would be to find time to spend with your family because the precious time spent with them saves the conflict in the relationship. Learn to communicate with both work and family. Communicating is key to keeping any relationship from falling apart. Work and family conflicts can be controlled if the individual takes the time to ensure they receive stress before going home, talk about it with family and supervisor. If the problem cannot be resolved EXIT.