Patient rooms are all double rooms with no telephone or television. This is to encourage patients to be sociable and active. Roommates typically have similar backgrounds or share other common factors. This encourages socialization among patients. If patients want to talk on the phone, watch TV, eat or participate in other activities, they must leave their rooms to do so. This encourages patients to be active, which supports the main goal of helping patients heal better. 3. Shouldice believes it is important for patients to feel comfortable, as if they were at home; they don't want the hospital to look like a hospital. The facility has plenty of common spaces where patients can socialize and be active. . These are important elements to realize the strategy because if patients feel comfortable in their environment, they are more likely to be sociable and therefore prefer to be active and progressive towards recovery. 4. The facility is also fully carpeted, which is an important detail because carpet makes the hospital smell more pleasant, unlike typical hospital cleaners. It also provides an element of safety, in case of post-operative falls the impact is easier. Once again, making patients feel more comfortable