Topic > Quantitative and qualitative research - 815

Research is roughly divided into two types: qualitative research and quantitative research. Quantitative and qualitative data are the two huge types of statistical data. We can use the choice of both methods one after the other, economical or temporal moderation may not accept us to opt for both. In such a situation, comparing the two can help in making a choice. Qualitative research: This involves exploring questions or problems, collecting some information and recognizing phenomena. This type of research is often used in important fields such as the humanities, sociology, and anthropology, each of these fields is also studied by qualitative research. Collecting data and analyzing it appropriately is also considered qualitative research. The intent of qualitative researchers is to gather in-depth knowledge of human behavior and the explanations that govern such activities. It can be used in different hypotheses. And it does not indicate essentially allgorical. It is a very controlled and exact approach to research. Different research methods such as data collection methods can replace this qualitative research. There are other important types of qualitative research that we can discuss1. Ethnography2. Grounded theory3. Phenomenology4. Case study1. Ethnography: mainly focuses on the concept of culture as it has its roots in anthropology. There are two subdivisions to this. (a) Ethnology: the study of the balance of cultural bodies and the comparison between them. (b) Ethnohistory: the study of a particular part of culture.2. Grounded Theory: In this some questions arise as to what theory emerges from an analysis of the data collected on the phenomenon. IT also refers to the previous analysis and tells how and why we handled them. T...... half of the document, count them and observe.2. The researcher in Qualitative Research does not clearly know what he is looking for. And in quantitative research, the researcher will be very clear about what they are looking for.3. Qualitative research is useful in the preliminary stages of the project and quantitative research is used in the later stages of the project.4. In qualitative research, the researcher serves as a collecting instrument. But, in quantitative research, the researcher will have tools and equipment to collect data.5. Information in qualitative research is in the form of words, images and objects while it is in the form of numbers and statistics in quantitative research.6. The researcher in qualitative research will be involved in the topic and the researcher will be avoided from the topic in quantitative research