So, when you drive a car and text at the same time, it can lead to impaired driving performance due to many external factors that affect our automatic process and controlled process. For example, driving on a common road can become automatic, however, when faced with previously unseen obstacles on the road, it can turn it into a controlled process. KELLOG says that basic driving skills must become automatic in order to concentrate on the road. Therefore, when sending a text message while driving, the individual focuses all of his attention on the text message. When one task requires your full attention, other tasks will be attenuated, such as the ability to drive safely. Although Thomas McWilliams "et al.", suggested that texting and using the phone impairs driving skills, they also supported the idea that when an action becomes automatic it becomes easier but never skillful. For example, younger drivers are able to text while driving because they recognize how their phone works. However, when placed with an unfamiliar phone, they ran off the road at a faster rate than when they had their own phone. Therefore, regardless of what phone an individual uses or how familiar they are with their devices or the road, the chances of driving on the road due to cell phone use are high.