By this I mean that when we choose to eat out and eat bad food, we forget to make healthy choices. At one point in the article, Zinczenko claims that he was once unhealthy and overweight due to his poor eating habits. He goes on to explain that once he joined the Navy Reserves, he learned to manage his diet (463). He makes the point by saying, “But most teenagers who live, as I once did, on a fast food diet will not change their lives (Zinczenko, 463).” Teenagers spend their lives eating unhealthy food without any sense of consequence. We must realize that everything should be done with a sense of balance in mind. For example, if we choose to eat a double cheeseburger twice a day, we should also choose to go for a run or take time to exercise afterward. That said, having healthy habits is important regardless of what you eat to stay fit, but especially if you have unhealthy habits it is your responsibility to apply these healthy habits to counteract those unhealthy choices. Personally, I believe we shouldn't blame companies for our health problems when there are other things we can do to improve our health every day. After reading the article Don't Blame the Eater, I immediately became angry that we have succumbed to blaming others for problems that are within our control. When it comes to eating fast food, it's important to solve the problem now by understanding that there are other options and learning to balance our bad choices with good choices. Fast food companies don't decide our fate, it's ours. If we continue to blame others for our problems, we will continue to see an even greater decline in the number of children