In today's society, medical technology has increased the life expectancy of many people around the world; Thanks to this improvement, even ordinary people are acquiring more medical knowledge than ever before. However, microvascular angina pectoris, a medical term for chest pain, remains the number one killer in the world; it is a discomfort due to coronary heart disease simply called angina. This occurs when the heart muscle temporarily does not have enough to function properly. Additionally, it usually happens because one or more of the heart's arteries are narrowed or blocked. In Lana's article Management of Microvascular Angina she clearly explains the nature of angina when she states that: "The term microvascular angina (MVA) is generally used to indicate episodes of angina caused by abnormalities of the resistant coronary vessels, which, unlike of the large conductive pericardial vessels, cannot be visualized on coronary angiography due to their small size (diameter <500 lm). Consequently, MVA is usually suspected when symptoms of angina occur in patients who demonstrate normal coronary arteries 'angiography. Am J Cardiovascular drugs. Unfortunately many people do not take it seriously as it is and do not even realize that it could lead to other crucial complications and even death. microvascular angina pectoris, the author describes three main points that nurses and all workers in the medical field need to know: the clinical characteristics and diagnosis of microvascular angina, the comprehensive approach to the treatment of angina and the treatment of microvascular angina. vascular angina (MVA). The evidence of the characteristics and diagnosis of angina discussed in the article constitutes an important counterpart to the medical treatment of the patient. Furthermore, risk factors play a very important role in the development of this condition, which is why nurses must emphasize the importance of addressing lifestyle issues and ensuring that pharmacological intervention continues to improve. In summary, the characteristics and diagnosis of angina, The comprehensive approach to treatment and management of microvascular angina described in the article constitutes important knowledge that nurses and other healthcare professionals need to know to treat patients with angina in most appropriate way. Angina is serious and should not be taken lightly, even if it does not mean a heart attack, but having simple angina means an increased risk of having a heart attack which can cause death. Comprehensive approaches and treatments are available for patients who comply with and understand nursing education.