Although my agoraphobia symptoms began well before my first year of elementary school, that particular day gave me a glimpse of what my life would be like. I was able to see for a brief moment in time what kind of struggles I would face growing up. From everyone's point of view I was considered lazy. I always had a terrible excuse for not being able to go out and play with other children, whether at school or at home. It seemed like I wanted to stay home and do nothing, but what the adults didn't see was the sad little girl who sat at the window and cried while watching the other children play. These little cases got worse throughout my life and I rarely wanted to play with other children. In high school I missed a lot of days and because of this my grades suffered immensely. It seemed like my teachers and counselors knew what was going on, but they didn't contact them. This created another difficulty and obstacle for me to overcome. Some teachers asked me why I would fail my tests, but when I was asked the same questions 1-on-1, I passed. The reason is that my peers caused me a lot