Islam is one of the most widespread religions in the world. It is widespread everywhere, even in the USA. By the 19th century, several thousand Muslims immigrated to the United States from the Ottoman Empire and parts of South Asia. From that time, the small Muslim population began to increase dramatically in the 1920s, with increased immigration and a relatively high birth rate. American Muslims come from diverse backgrounds and are one of the most racially diverse religious groups in the United States. There are now approximately seven to eight million Muslims living in the United States. This is a very active community, which includes very different people: workers, doctors, millionaires. So, as you can see, Islam is an integral part of the United States of America. September 11, 2001 America was hit by terrorist attacks. American citizens were shocked and outraged by the attack on our own soil. After the first hours of shock, grief and anger it became clear that the suspects in the attacks were Muslim Arabs: American Muslims and Arab Americans. For Muslim Americans and Arab Americans the tragedy was doubly painful. The whole world witnessed in horror the attack on the twin towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. There have been many calls, asking if any friends or loved ones were on these planes or inside these buildings. Muslim imams have given numerous speeches, articles, conferences in which, to prove that Islam is not an evil religion, they state that “the terrorists were Muslims, but these people do not belong to our community here; they used Islamic names and did evil." In their lectures they cited the Quran to support their claims: “Islam is a religion of tolerance and peace. In our holy book, the Noble Quran, we are taught the value of innocent life in these words: ... middle of paper ... lose weight after this act of terrorism. Fortunately, attitudes towards Muslims in the United States have improved compared to 7-8 years ago. At first the attitude was terrible, because the citizens thought that it was Muslims who carried out this act, but some time later they understood that not all Muslims are terrorists, they too are victims. But American Muslims now have the freedom to openly practice their faith, and there are more than 1,200 mosques in the United States. American Muslims have a very high level of satisfaction and can be found in every type of profession, from doctors to teachers, from tech entrepreneurs to government workers. American Muslims, like any other religious group, can practice their religion freely and openly in America and there is no fear of racial discrimination. So, to conclude, I want to say that American Muslims were and are part of a large community in the United States.