The reason for these changes is due to the external and internal environment of each organization, Hiltrop (1995). He noted the way in which a new psychological contract is used to adapt to the new environment of many organizations. We move from an imposed relationship to a mutual relationship. To be more specific, moving from compliance, command and control to commitment, participation and involvement. Furthermore, it also shows that the emphasis on job security and loyalty to the company is no longer the reality, but has been replaced by the emphasis on employability and loyalty to one's professional skills. He firmly believes that: “There is no job security. The employer will be employed as long as he adds value to the organization and is personally responsible for finding new ways to add value…” In other words, job security is not an important element to consider, instead it depends on the performance of employees to remain more long in the organization. Based on Hiltrop, Anderson, and Schalk (1998), they also hypothesized that this new psychological contract showed the distinction between the traditional and the new psychological contract