However, I don't see this as progress. The only way America will emerge from racism is to rid itself of the systems that allow one group to profit from the pain of another. First, white people must recognize the existence of white privilege and be aware of its effects. Hence, policies need to be adjusted so that no group gets better opportunities than another. Deinstitutionalizing racism makes it harder to be racist. Next, the media must start spreading the truth. Don't tell the news for profit, but to inform society. These are things white people can do. There are also ways that minorities can contribute, starting with educating themselves. Education provides individuals with opportunities that would be impossible without it. These are just some of the ideas I have for a better society. In conclusion, I believe that America has the potential to create a just and just society in the future. People are starting to get tired of the current system we have and are trying to change it. More specifically, the Baltimore protesters. Civil disobedience is what America needs so we can realize the inequalities faced by Black people and everyone else