Prostitution is the act of selling one's body for any type of sexual intercourse in exchange for money. Today, both men and women are willingly and forcefully engaged in the sex and prostitution industry. It is more common for young adolescent girls to be involved in this area than for older men or women. There are several ways in which people are first introduced to prostitution. One way is to be kidnapped and forcibly placed on the street by a "Guerilla Pimp". “Guerilla Pimps” are men who use their skill and strength to kidnap young girls and throw them onto the streets into prostitution (Youth Radio). Another way to approach prostitution is to be convinced by "Romeo Pimps". “Romeo Pimps” are the men who sweet talk you into situations and act as if there is nothing wrong with it (Youth Radio). Many of the girls who are thrown or introduced into prostitution usually have no escape. The pimps would keep an eye on them twenty-four hours a day, and if not themselves, they would have partners keeping an eye on them, so no escape would be possible. Many people are so quick to judge a person by their actions and their life. style, but I don't know the story. It is one of the oldest professions in the world and is still going strong in our country today. Prostitution has existed since Sumerian times, dating back to 2400 BC. Prostitution was first introduced to America in the 16th century during the colonial period, when the English invaded America. During the 1700s, prostitutes began to invade the cities of Boston and New York. On July 5, 1870, the Board of Health gained power through an act called The Social Evil Ordinance allowing and "requiring registration" for prostitutes to be... the focus of the charter... the illegal sex trade would take place. The black market is illegal because people are involved in selling or exchanging items that violate certain laws. Prostitutes are not legally taxed and this would violate economic laws on the sale or exchange of items. Prostitution is a problem that has existed for centuries. Many have sought to legalize prostitution, not only for themselves, but for the country. In 2004, Berkeley, California attempted to legalize prostitution, but was not very successful with only 36% of the vote. Like Proposition K in 2008, they also tried to legalize prostitution but came away with only 41 votes. percent to secure yes votes. Every two years, people take risks to legalize prostitution. Legalizing prostitution in our country would make it a better and safer environment?