I like to think there are certain moments you want your parents to be a part of. My mothers have always been extremely supportive and loving, but I have always wanted to experience what it was like to have a father. I'm someone who constantly thinks about what my wedding will be like, but the one thing I can never think about is who will walk me down the aisle. Society has shown us that the father should always do this. However, I will never let my father walk me down the aisle. My dream represents who I hope is my biological father. My dream brought my imagination to life into something that made me sad but happy to watch. Another thing I have trouble with is that I don't share any DNA with my family, even though I've learned that DNA doesn't make a family. I have no idea what I will be like in the future, having my father like me is an affirmation that I look like my parents. Having him happy and smiling shows that I hope he is happy to meet me. Finally, I think the fact that he is in the military is another important aspect that I had never considered significant until I talked about the dream with a friend. I think I dreamed he was in the military because in my mind the military is an honorable occupation, something that requires courage and honor. In reality, my father was probably none of these things as Guatemala leaves men with very few options other than gangs. Yet, this is the man