Topic > As the drought worsened, African farmers stopped sharing land with Arab herders. The Arab shepherds suffered immensely. Some Arab herders attempted to cultivate the land themselves, but without the proper tools or knowledge most were unsuccessful. Other herders stole livestock from African farmers, which turned into a miniature civil war between... middle of paper......February 27, 2011. Kramer, Otis, and Rosalind Montanez-Muhinda. “Counterpoint: US Options Limited in Darfur.” Reference center Points of view. EBSCOhost, 2009. Web. March 6, 2011. 0Lerner, Adrienne, Brenda Lerner, and K. Lee Lerner. "United States Congressional Conditions on the Darfur 'Genocide' Situation" Human and Civil Rights: Essential Primary Sources. Global Issues in Context, 2006. Web. 27 February 2011.Mamdan, Mahmood. "Genocide or civil war?" American Conservative Vol. 6 No. 14. SIRS Researcher, 16 July 2007. Web. 28 February 2011. Milkias, Paulos. "Crisis in Darfur: is intervention necessary?" Issues: Understanding the controversy and the company. ABCLIO, 2011. Web. March 2, 2011. ProQuest Staff. "Darfur: History." World conflicts today. SIRS Researcher, 2011. Web. 28 February 2011. Vile, John. "genocide." Issues: Understanding the controversy and the company. ABC-CLIO, 2011. Web. 7 March. 2011.