The Final Solution was the pre-planned idea of exterminating the entire Jewish population. According to the decree of the Nazi Party, the Final Solution was implemented gradually. The first phase consisted of (essentially) removing Jews from German society, through boycotts, anti-Jewish legislation, and the Night of Broken Glass, all aimed at removing Jews from society as quickly as possible. This export quickly spread throughout Europe after the start of World War II. The second action was to send the Jews to ghettos, isolated from all other peoples. As the ghettos (in Poland) rapidly filled with occupiers, the Nazi Party created "mobile death squads," which traveled from neighborhood to neighborhood, snatching Jews from their homes and killing them (using gas vans or guns). on the street. But this method proved ineffective with the number of Jews who fled and the number of murderers who were gassed. This then caused the anti-Semitic party to begin sending Jews to six extermination camps across Poland. Which according to Paul B. Kern was all part of the Final Solution. However, Kern claims that the Final Solution was secretly Hitler's fault. He believes that Hitler, being the Chancellor of Germany, wanted the results of the Final Solution to be blamed elsewhere. “The purpose of the secrecy was to make it possible to kill Jews.”