According to the British Encyclopaedia the term “collective behavior” is basically a sociological term that covers different types of activities that are carried out according to comparative size but also loosely organized groups of different types of people (Kaptalan, Szabo , Szasz and Neda, 2011). Actions such as riots, riots, revolutions, rebellions, civil rights, lynching or social reform movements, disaster cycles, panic emergency, social epidemics, religious, campus riots, nationalistic movements, terror, emergence of fads, propaganda, follies , gossip, rumours, memes, rumors or media hype can all be classified under the rubric of “collective behaviour”. The expression "collective behavior" was initially used by Robert Park primarily as an alternative to crowd behavior. He developed a theory that revolved around the actions of various groups. His theory was later called “collective behavior” and gradually following it became a trend in almost all sociology courses (Kaptalan, Szabo, Szasz, & Neda, 2011). At the time of its birth, collective behavior was considered the only theory designed to explain the different aspects of both contemporary society and the processes related to social change. Over time, its expression has become a collectible concept covering a vast area of sociology. Different concepts such as crowd aggregation, dispersal, and self-organized movement are observed and studied in different disciplines such as physics, ethology, sociology, social and behavioral psychology. (Bandini, Manzon and Sartori, 2009). In this regard, the growing interest in crowd behavior, which is a term related to collective behavior, has been motivated by a wide range of relevant application conditions. and so we let things continue to decline and break down. Conclusion Riots are basically a reaction against some non-existent opportunities to influence society and even one's own situation. In most cases, participation is simply a form of massive political activity. A combination of several factors motivates individual rioters to come out and initiate violence. Riots could also be very politically relevant, but only in some cases. As discussed in the paper, riots are contagious and arise due to some unwanted political or government laws. Furthermore, they are also caused by discrimination or some injustices. Without a doubt, riots are nothing more than acts/movements of fighting for one's rights and also episodes that violate and disharmonize the lifestyles of others causing nothing other than destruction in various forms..