Internal Audit Internal audit is a process that provides assurance and consultancy services such as evaluating controls, performance efficiency, detecting risk management and governance to an entity public and private in order to add value to the organization Internal Auditor For every publicly listed company in Malaysia is required to create an internal audit department application by the stock exchange. Internal auditor is a profession that provides independent and objective assessments and attests to the financial and non-financial information of the organization, performance of the organization's activities, examines the adequacy of accounting controls, provides information to the manager or management level to take decisions, aware of any waste and fraud that exists in an organization and should continually review the business. History of the Institute of Internal AuditorsThe Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) was established in 1977 in Malaysia, as a non-profit professional organization focused on developing the professional practice of internal auditors in Malaysia.At the year 1977, IIA Malaysia is a branch of the Institute of Internal Auditors Inc, USA. Until 1994, IIA Malaysia was established as a private limited company and continued to improve and update the standards to adapt to the current needs of the public and become a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors of Malaysia with up to 3000 members across the nation. Delegate of the Institute of Internal Auditors of Malaysia as the National Voice Vision of the Internal Auditor. IIA Malaysia protects value for members, provides necessary and best practices to members and also provides services to members to overcome problems. MissionIIA Malaysia provides exceptional leadership to guide the nation pr...... middle of paper.... .. and the impact of non-compliance and the results of the commitment communicated.2440 Dissemination of resultsTo ensure that relevant information audits, site visits and other external assessments are communicated to all relevant and appropriate parties.2500 Monitoring ProgressSelf-assessment by line management is likely to be the most efficient and effective approach to monitoring progress. A follow-up audit may be appropriate, where the scope and timing of any follow-up audit is determined by the risks posed to the business if recommendations are not implemented effectively and in a timely manner.2600 Acceptance Resolution of risks by managementContinued Managing audit matters is an integral part of good management. The responsibilities of the chief audit executive and senior management include evaluating and resolving financial audit issues and reports.