Eyewitness testimony does not have exceptionally high validity, however it is a fairly effective way to gather information. The criminal justice system should take into account that they can be misunderstood since memories are fallible and can be easily influenced. Eyewitness testimony can be influenced by many psychological factors, including anxiety/stress, reconstructive memory, concentration on the weapon, and leading questions. Anxiety or stress is almost always associated with real-life crimes. Deffenbacher (1983) reviewed 21 studies and found that the stress-performance relationship followed an inverted-U function proposed by the Yerkes Dodson Curve (1908). This means that for tasks of moderate complexity, such as EWT, performance increases with stress up to an optimal point where it then begins to decline. However, Yuille and Cutshall (1986) illustrate that there are cases of real-life recall in which the memory of an anxious/stressful event is accurate. This means that the CJS should try to collect the EWT as soon as possible after the event occurs. Bartlett's theory of reconstructive memory is crucial to understanding the reliability of the EWT. He suggested that memory is subject to personal interpretation dependent on our learned and cultural knowledge. norms. We tend to see, interpret, and remember what we see based on what we expect and assume is "normal" in a given situation. Bartlett referred to these complete mental images of how things should be as "schemas." These patterns can be determined by social values and therefore by prejudices. Schemas are capable of distorting unfamiliar or unconsciously “unacceptable” information to fit our existing knowledge or schemas. This can consequently result in unreliability...... half of paper ......excessive reliability, this could be because we have too much faith in our memory, so we think it is reliable. In conclusion, the CJS should pay more attention to the problems that have been identified in eyewitness testimony, however it would be difficult to implement another method of gathering information from a crime scene that does not give rise to similar problems. EWT can be contaminated, lost, destroyed or otherwise influenced to produce incorrect results, the best way to improve the way the criminal justice system deals with eyewitness testimony would be to ensure that leading questions are not used during the interview or the questioning of witnesses, do not rely solely on the testimonies of vulnerable people as they are not that reliable and simply be aware of the general issues relating to EWT and take this into account when using eyewitness testimony as evidence .