Restoration of the Red Wolf; once again preventing its extinctionRef: (4)USFW (US Fish and Wildlife Service) and IUCN status of the red wolfThe red wolf is listed as endangered under the United States Endangered Species Act (ESA) (public law of United States No. 93-205; United States Code Title 16 Section 1531 et seq.). Wild red wolves inhabiting northeastern North Carolina (NENC), the U.S. recovery area, and a single-island propagation site (St. Vincent NWR, Florida) are designated as experimental populations non-essential under Section 10(j) of the ESA. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species lists the red wolf's status as critically endangered. Problem: The red wolf is one of the most endangered wild canids in the world, once common throughout the southeastern United States, the red wolf population has been severely reduced due to intensive predator control programs and habitat loss. A few remaining wolves were found on the Gulf Coast of Texas and Louisiana, at this point in the 1970s the entire population was believed to be less than 100. The red wolf announced to the world that it was officially extinct in 1973, with only a few red wolves in captivity. The problem now faced is how to prevent the red wolf from becoming extinct again as it is now on the endangered species list. Genetic diversity within a species - Red Wolf: Each individual organism has a unique combination of alleles. The more variation in alleles in a species, the less likely the species will become extinct as they are all different and therefore react differently to threats in terms of infection and can defend themselves in numerous ways. This means that even if a disease epidemic were to occur, due to variation in genes and combinations of al...... half of the document ......6)WikipediaAvailable at: http://en. /wiki/Red_wolfAccessed: 02/19/20142), 7), 5), 3), Ref: (December 2006)US Fish and Wildlife ServiceAvailable at: /alwolf. pdfAccessed: 02/19/20146), 8), 9)Ref: Ref: pdf3) Red Wolf (Canis rufus) Recovery: A Review with Suggestions for Future Research - Journal (13 August 2013) Author: Joseph W. Hinton, Michael J. Chamberlain, David R. Rabon Jr First edition Access date: 03/30 /20134) Studbook: (4 January 2013) Author(s): William Waddell via Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium Data et al. Access date: 27/02/2013