With this value, I may be able to apply my wisdom in offering practical solutions that bring optimism to others. This will also show my personal interest in the issue at hand. My key choice is responsibility, which comes from the application of autonomy and rationality. With this value I can make choices that benefit the majority. My ethical tool is the use of critical thinking, which is an important value when it comes to solving problems. Solving problems requires critical analysis of the situations in question and drawing conclusions that benefit the majority (Ciulla, 2005b). Since it is well known that it is not possible to make everyone happy, we only fight for what is beneficial to the majority. The values I mentioned in the inventory are my strongholds and I believe I will be able to adapt them comfortably when working in different environments. My ethical problem-solving critical thinking tool can be used in any situation to offer reasonable solutions. Critical thinking can be used at work, at home and even in my social life, allowing me to make rational decisions when solving problems without any bias (Spangenberg & Theron,