I. Amazon Business Process By emphasizing customer centricity, Amazon optimizes all its processes to make it easier for the customer to decide and purchase the product and to make it as economical as possible for customers. Amazon makes the business process in several ways easier, faster, and more accessible to all of its customers. First, Amazon uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) to put its website in the cloud to optimize the speed of using the website. This greatly optimizes the speed for both internal use and customer use. Customers who want to rent servers from AWS can and do find that using this service is faster and much cheaper than setting up their own servers. Second, according to Bezos, 53% of all products shipped by Amazon weigh five pounds or less, and therefore, Amazon is planning to launch delivery drone capable of carrying that weight within 10 miles of its fulfillment centers ( FC) and is expected to significantly increase customer satisfaction due to a notable reduction in delivery times (30 minute delivery time) (Amazon Web Services 2012). Third, Amazon's automated recommendation formula helps customers decide what to buy. Using Amazon's IT, they were able to create the "item-by-item collaboration filter", which customizes each Amazon customer's website based on the customer's tastes and preferences, which in other words: the home Amazon page is tailored to the customer based on certain criteria such as: 1) What the customer purchased and other customers who purchased similar products besides that product. 2) What the customer viewed and what similar products they viewed and purchased. 3) This allows filtering of unwanted elements, which results in an easier mission and makes...... half of the paper, they have four main customer groups, which are: consumers, sellers, businesses and content creators. To elaborate, thinking long-term about customer-centricity/focus and the willingness to invent on their behalf is generally what Amazon does, and so Bezos explains that Amazon maximizes the rate of experimentation, while simultaneously reducing the cost of experimentation, for a product that sells is a successful product, which is the result of numerous experiments (HRH 2013). In addition to offering a wide range of products, Amazon also offers certain services to specific customers to tailor to their needs, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) while businesses and content creators can rest Amazon's servers (10 cents per time per server). This gives customers great flexibility to end the contact whenever they want.